is pleased to announce that the FDA has lifted restrictions on Medtronic Physio-Control AED's and Defibrillator products. We feel that Physio-Control has made significant improvements in quality and safety standards and will be the gold standard which other manufactures will be graded in the future. Here is what we understand in regards to the shipping status for Medtronic Physio-Control AED products; LIFEPAK 1000 AED's are in stock and available to ship now, LIFEPAK ALS Defibrillators are available to ship and LIFEPAK CR Plus AED back orders will be resolved first then new orders will be shipped around March 2010. is your online source for Medtronic LIFEPAK AED's, AED pads and AED batteries.
Physio-Control has announced that the LIFEPAK CR Plus will now come standard with an 8 year warranty. The longest AED warranty in the industry!
We are excited about this development and feel that Medtroinc Physio-Control is back and better than ever.